Super Finance Glossary


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Displaying next 60 results of 292
Official Unrequited Transfers
Definition: Include a variety of subsidies, military aid, voluntary cancellation of debt, contributions to international organizations, indemnities imposed under peace treaties, technical assistance, taxes, or fines.
Definition: In the context of project financing, the purchase of the project's output.
Definition: Elimination of a long or short position by making an opposite transaction. Related: Liquidation.
Definition: This term, when used in this context, and when referring to a country, means a jurisdiction that offers financial secrecy laws in an effort to attract investment from outside its borders. When referring to a financial institution, "offshore" refers to a financial institution that primarily offers its services to persons domiciled outside the jurisdiction of the country in which the financial institution is organized.
Offshore Finance Subsidiary
Definition: A wholly owned affiliate incorporated overseas, usually in a tax haven country, whose function is to issue securities abroad for use in either the parent's domestic or foreign business.
Offshore Fund
Definition: A mutual fund whose headquarters is based outside the United States.
Offshore Mail Forwarding Address
Definition: Often an IBC's offshore address is nothing more than a mail drop (P.O. Box) assigned to the IBC. Bank and brokerage statements and any other type of company mail may be sent to this address. The mail will typically be picked up twice monthly by the offshore facilitator. The IBC's mail will be put into a plain, brown envelope and mailed to the address of the beneficial owner's choice. Only the domestic return address and the recipient's address appear on the envelope. Thus, the discrete envelope arrives with the offshore IBC's mail inside. Using offshore mail forwarding insures that the wrong eyes will never view sensitive offshore mail.
Offshore Promoter
Definition: An offshore promoter is a person or entity who markets offshore arrangements to the public. The promoter can be a financial institution, lawyer, accountant, broker, financial planner, or other individual.
Offshore Trustee
Definition: A trustee has a fiduciary duty to manage and conserve the assets of a trust over which he or she has control. The offshore trustee has an additional duty to maintain the financial privacy of the beneficial owner of the trust assets.
Old-line Factoring
Definition: Factoring arrangement that provides collection, insurance, and finance for accounts receivable.
Definition: A Market characterized by a small number of producers who often act together to control the supply of a particular good and its market price.
Definition: A Market characterized by a small number of large buyers who control all purchases and therefore the market price of a good or service.
Definition: The two-character ISO 3166 country code for OMAN.
OM Stockholm AB
Definition: The derivatives market of Sweden, trading a wide variety of interest rate and bond futures. The exchange trades futures and options on the OMX equity index.
Omitted Dividend
Definition: A dividend that was scheduled to be declared, but that is not voted by the Board of Directors probably because the company is experiencing financial difficulties.
Omnibus Account
Definition: An account carried by one futures commission merchant with another futures commission merchant in which the transactions of two or more persons are combined and carried in the name of the originating broker, rather than designated separately. Related: Commission house.
Omnibus Proxy
Definition: A list issued by depositories detailing their participants, and their holdings, and authorizing the participants to vote their proxies directly. This type of proxies are issued by Cede & Co. and by certain bank custodians.
Definition: The ISO 4217 currency code for the Oman Rial.
Definition: Used in the context of general equities. Conjunction that denotes trade execution /indication, usually during a pre-opening look. "Looks 6 on 6000 shares at opening." See: for/at.